Investigative techniques
Contact the Office of the Registrar at:
Training in investigative techniques is essential for today's police and law enforcement. Each course offers practical learning that teaches students how to be effective from the crime scene to the courtroom. Our instructors have a variety of backgrounds and expertise, and they ensure that all courses are relevant and up to date to help students meet the challenges of policing in an increasingly complex environment.
Courses offered
Critical incident
Drug investigations
- Clandestine Laboratories Investigation Course (CLIC)
- Drug Investigative Techniques Course (DITC)
- Hazardous Environment Recognition Training (HERT)
- Site Safety Supervisor (SSSC)
- Anti-Corruption Investigative Techniques Course (ACITC)
- Financial Investigations Course (FINANC)
- Human Trafficking Investigator's Course (HTIC)
- Interception of Private Communications Course (IPCC – Part VI)
- Major Case Management: Team Commander (MCMTC)
- Major Crime Investigative Techniques Course (MCITC)
- Specialized Vehicle Theft Investigative Techniques Course (SVTITC)
Investigative support
- Drafting Information to Obtain (DITO)
- Court Expert and Testimony (CET)
- Organized Crime Course (OCC)
- Strategic Intelligence Analysis Course (SIAC)
- Tactical Intelligence Analysis Course (TIAC)
- Unsolved and Historical Death Investigations (UHI)
- Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (VICLAS)
- Violent Offenders Behaviours (VOB)
Program contact
For more information about the investigative techniques program or to find out if the college can deliver a course in your area, contact us by email:
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